Ed's Music
Below are links to all sorts of music Ed has played, written or been involved with.
DOSE OF B3, Ed's ongoing series of Hammond Organ posts to Facebook and Volume.com starting in 2020, can be viewed HERE.
DOSE OF DRAWBARS, Ed's ongoing series of VISCOUNT LEGEND LIVE organ posts starting in 2020, can be viewed HERE.
Ed doing the one-man band thing can be heard HERE. (People that wanna audition me for private parties, this is some of what what I do!)
Ed's organ CD, 'Gettin' Organized' from 2009, with Charlie Jones on guitar and Don Guinta on drums!
Dig it HERE.
Ed's 2017 cantata for SATB choir and jazz band, PURPLE DUSK AT THE MARGINS, performed with the Central Presbyterian Church Choir, can be heard/seen HERE.
Ed's 2018 cantata for SATB choir, 3 horns and jazz band, DIGBY (featuring texts by the Victorian poet Digby Dolben), can be heard/seen HERE
Live radio broadcast from 2007 with Ed accompanying the late great legendary folksinger ODETTA in Lexington, KY HERE - SHOW #381
Ed's ongoing work as Music Director at CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in Montclair, NJ is documented HERE.
Ed's work with his fine choir at his former church, CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER in Morristown, NJ from 2009-12 can be viewed HERE.
Ed plays Christmas Music on the actual 1934 Rainbow Room Wurlitzer Theater Organ, which now lives at the Rahway (NJ) Senior Center! From December 2016. Click HERE.
Ed worked at Casio for 17 years, and wrote and programmed a lot of demo songs that went into Casio keyboards in the 80s and 90s. Some were kind of beloved and have acheived cult status! HERE they are, as well as a rare training video.